Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Twitter and Me

Twitter! Where do i begin, well at first I was not a fan of twitter I found it to be confusing and was not sure what the purpose of a #hash-tag was. After I got a personal Twitter I learned to enjoy using my twitter as a new social networking site. When Prof.Smith asked us to create a professional twitter and use it for teaching I was not that thrilled of the idea. I have grown to enjoy using it in my SEDU183 class and in learning how to use it as a future educator. I really enjoyed using my twitter to take our quiz. I liked that we collaborated as a class to get answers and to hear what our classmates thought of the questions. I do see myself using my twitter in my classroom, not as much as a communication device to parents but as a homework posting site, updates for class or reminders. I want to become better at using twitter before becoming an educator so that I can use it to the best of my ability for my students. Twitter is a good social networking site different from others like facebook. I think they all have their ups and downs.

I thought this picture fit well as we do want our students to be tweeting :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

"The Final Frontier"

In my Secondary Education class, Tech and teach and learning  my group and I were asked to create a Google drive presentation on the information we gathered after reading Peggy A. Erthmer's "Teacher Pedagogical Beliefs:The Final Frontier in Our Quest for Technology Integration." After I read this article I learned about how teachers all over the world do not integrate as much technology as they should. I learned that many teachers are comfortable with the way they teach and do not want to change. Therefore, my Professor asked our class to create this presentation to "Call to Action" the teachers to want to incorporate technology in there classrooms. During this process I learned about the advantages to using technology in the classroom and ways teachers can incorporate the technology in a manner that they students will enjoy. My outcomes from this assignment are that while reading and doing research on the topic I learned a lot about to create a Google drive presentation and collaborating information with my group members to create a great presentation to express to teachers that using technology in the classroom has many benefits. I enjoy working in a group and really enjoyed the ideas my group members brought to the idea. Hope you check out the presentation and enjoy watching and learning from it as much as I did making it.