Monday, April 8, 2013

Learning to Unlearn

Teachers all over have to learn, unlearn and relearn information all the time. Im in my second year of college studying Early Childhood and Special Education. I am learning about what it takes and what I need to do to be the best teacher I can be someday. But, when it comes to my job or where I am going to teach there might be certain ways that they do something and if I do it differently I will have to unlearn my way and relearn there way. There are many instances in life not only in teaching where you have to unlearn how to do something you know how to do or think you know how to do and relearn it another way. Some people may think that the teacher always need to have the room set up a certain way or that this has to be done this way. When in reality its your classroom, you can set it up how you want it and teach the information your way. You just need to make sure you are following rules and guidlesines. Teaching should be fun and you should not feel like you are in prison as a teacher or a student. Breathe and enjoy your profession, your classroom, your school and your students.
It can sometimes be difficult to want to unlearn and relearn information you already know. Sometimes teachers have to go to mandatory seminnars where they can learn how to better teach. Each year there is more technology and more resources to teach. Each year teachers need to unlearn the old and relearn the new information. At first teachers are timid about forgetting old methods of teaching because they are comfortable but once you relearn the information a new way it is easier to understand. Students get bored so you have to as teachers make learning fun the only way to do so is "out with the old, and in with the new".


  1. Technology is one that I touched upon in my blog. It's hard keeping up with all of the new technology being a teacher when you have so many other things to worry about.

  2. I agree with your post. There are so many new technologies out there and you have to find a way to adapt to them. I like your statement about teacher's thinking they have to have there room set up a certain way. You are right it is there classroom they can have it any way they want.

  3. Great Post. Teachers are educators and need to constantly re-evaluate how they teach and relearn the parts that do not work effectively anymore, then they can find new ways to teach that are more beneficial to the student.

  4. Good words but...Yes we have to unlearn/relearn methods of teaching, but way more importantly, we have to unlearn what we think and believe about teaching. That goes for any endeavor. Life is full of stinkin' thinkin' -incorrect thinking/beliefs/pedagogy- and we will constantly have to unlearn something in order to grow to the next level!
